Our Programs

Sign up! Applying to become a Starlight child is a rather simple process! We kindly ask that you help us better understand your child and the rest of your family dynamic by completing the Medical Professional Form and filling out our Starlight Family Survey.

In-Hospital Programs

No one wants to be in the hospital, but it’s even harder when you’re a kid who just wants to have fun. Each day, week, and month spent in the hospital means more missed school days, play dates, and care-free childhood experiences. While doctors and nurses focus on treatments, Starlight Canada is here to make sure hospitalized kids have the chance to be just that – a kid.

With a variety of in-hospital programs, Starlight Canada offers distraction, relief, and fun for sick kids who may be nervously awaiting needles or feeling lonely in their room. From activity kits and interactive gaming stations to parties, we bring the sparkle and smiles to the hospital to help support every kid through their stay!

Starlight VR®

Starlight Virtual Reality is taking hospitalized kids virtually anywhere in the world, and beyond. As one of Starlight Canada’s newest initiatives featuring ground-breaking technology, this program uses the magic of …

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Starlight Nintendo Switch Handheld

The Starlight Nintendo Switch Handheld is a portable version of the Starlight Fun Center, allowing more flexibility to healthcare professionals to distract and entertain hospitalized kids while still providing the …

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Play From Hospital Shipments

“These items help our medical team in distracting patients while procedures are taking place, assist in comforting and calming children once a procedure is complete, or simply help to pass the …

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Starlight Hospital Happenings™

Starlight Canada works with children’s hospitals across Canada to bring the party to the kids – without having to even leave the hospital! From decorations to special games and crafts, …

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Starlight Comfort Kits™

“I was really not prepared to be admitted to the hospital with my daughter. After a very long day in two different ERs, it was wonderful to get up to her …

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Starlight Fun Center®

“As a Child Life Specialist, I can attest that we are so grateful to have Starlight Fun Centers that can be used as distraction and diversional tools to help with patients …

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Starlight Treasure Chests

“One of the nurses, who is the lab tech and has to poke a lot of little ones, says that the toys are a life saver, and she doesn’t feel like …

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Out-of-Hospital Programs

Just because a seriously ill child leaves the hospital, it doesn’t mean that the battle is over. For sick kids who are on a long path to recovery, for kids who will forever live their condition, and for kids who are fighting against the clock, we’re making wishes come true to give these warriors a break from battle.

Starlight Canada’s out-of-hospital wish programs grant wishes of all sizes to give seriously ill children and their families a reason to smile and special memories to hold on to. Whether they are wishing for a simple night out with a loved one, or dreaming big with an ultimate wish of a lifetime, Starlight Canada creates magic where kids can shine even when sick.

Play From Home Packs

“It was only a few years ago that my husband and I couldn’t figure out what to give our son for Christmas because he had no interest in anything, didn’t play …

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Starlight Day Brightener Wishes™

“I haven’t seen my son smile and be a “normal” 6-year-old in such a long time. This is the first time in his journey where he and I just got to …

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Starlight Great Escapes® Wishes

“Thank you for an incredible family experience. We laughed, bonded, and just had so much fun. It was exactly what this family needed; a no stress, family fun adventure that made …

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Starlight Once In A Lifetime Wishes™

“It was amazing; all that a wish should be. The happiest week of our lives! My daughter smiled more in one week than the whole year combined.” – Julie, Starlight …

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